
C++11's strongly-typed enums

C++11 provides strongly-typed enums. These new enums are no longer simple sets of integers; they are classes in their own right. And, their instances are objects, too!

In the following example, we define several enumerated values for possible stereo configurations of a chemical bond.

enum class BondStereo : int8_t
    , UP 
    , DOWN 
    , UP_OR_DOWN 
    , E 
    , Z 
    , CIS 
    , TRANS 

Note that the above enum class BondStereo has int8_t as its underlying data type. C++11 allows you to specify the precise integral data type that should be used. In turn, that allows us to choose specific types to best suit the required ranges of the enumerated values.

However, with this felicity comes an inconvenience. Since the instances of these enums are no longer simple integers, they cannot be used as such! The following is a simple and generic way of obtaining the underlying integral value of a given instance.

template <typename E>
auto enumValue(const E e) -> typename std::underlying_type<E>::type
    return static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>(e);

Note the use of auto and the trailing return type declaration. This is needed, since we do not know in advance the exact underlying type of a given instance.

Great, you say, but which headers should I include to be able to use this functionality? Well, that is left as an exercise :-) Enjoy!

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